Publication: Institut del Teatre
Publication – Barcelona’s Institut del Teatre has published Documentation Centre and Museum of Performing Arts, a bilingual little book edited in Catalan and English. This publication has been in continuation with the celebration of the Institut’s centenial and followed the annual conference of IFTR (International Federation of Theatre Research) held last July at the Institut del Teatre.
This volume contains three articles on the present and future of the Institut del Teatre’s Documentation Centre and Museum of Performing Arts (MAE). In the first, Mercè Saumell, Head of Cultural Services, talks about “What should a 21st Century Documentation Centre/Museum of the Performing Arts be like?” The Institut del Teatre is not only an educational institution but is also a leading cultural centre devoted to the research, creation, innovation, conservation and dissemination of theatrical heritage . In the second article , Anna Valls, director of the MAE, discusses “The MAE: Objectives,Services and Collections”, giving an overview of the Centre’s daily activities. Finally, Roger Guasch, Computer Engineer and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) project manager, describes how the MAE, a smallish institution, has been able to reinvent itself with the help of new technologies in the article titled “ICT as a source of continuous improvement”.,