The Dramaturgies of Collecting: Conserving, Restaging, and Interpreting the Performing Arts

34th SIBMAS Conference

The Executive Committee of SIBMAS and the Organisational Committee are looking forward to welcome you in Hong Kong for our next SIBMAS Conference which will take place from 23 to 27 June 2024.

The SIBMAS Conference 2024 will be presented in Hong Kong by the International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong) with the collaboration of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. The theme of the conference will be “The Dramaturgies of Collecting: Conserving, Restaging, and Interpreting the Performing Arts”. The event will take place at the Henry Cheng International Conference Centre of the University from 23-27 June 2024 which is going to be the first SIBMAS Conference in Asia!

Pre-conference welcoming event will be supported by the Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. Our delegates could enjoy a traditional Cantonese opera performance at the Tea House Theatre on 23 June 2024 afternoon.

Exciting post-conference excursions include a guided tour at Tai Kwun which demonstrates how the city conserves and revitalises the buildings of the historic Central Police Station compound into the city’s new centre for heritage and arts. In 2019, Tai Kwun received the Award of Excellence in the 2019 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.

Another highlight of our excursions is the Cantonese Opera Heritage Hall in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The hall showcases operatic treasures from the museum’s collection, together with a reconstructed theatre in a bamboo opera stage.

Selected conference sessions will be held in a hybrid mode.

The conference organising committee (IATC-HK) has set up a dedicated website for the event, in English and Chinese.
This is the place to go for all the practical information and updates:


Shan Luk, Alan Jones, Nic Leonhardt, Bernice Chan. HK meeting, June 2023