Exhibition: Faust Worlds
Goethe’s drama on the stage
Who – where – what – three questions for everyone planning to stage Faust.
Who is playing the principal roles of Faust, Mephisto and Gretchen? And is the existing ensemble large and diverse enough to fill all the other roles?
Where and at which venues does the drama unfold? Striking features of Goethe’s Faust are the various scene changes, such as heaven, the cramped study, the open landscape in front of the town gate … How can this be achieved on stage? Theatre producers find some of the answers in technical developments, although they are also particularly linked to aesthetic trends, fantasy, and the world outlook of directors and their stage designers.
What is being performed? This is a question indeed in connection with this iconic text of Goethe.
Role portrayals and historical sound recordings together with stage concepts, which can be experienced in a parcours through original models, directors’ scripts and much more, illustrate the diversity of creative answers that have been found during the course of the production history up to the present day.
Experience the worlds of Faust at the German Theatre Museum.
Goethes Drama auf der Bühne
Until 2 September 2018
Deutsches Theatermuseum (München, DE)