Publication: Necessary Fiction

October 17, 2021

For a contemporary baroque dance.

We speak of “baroque dance” to evoke the court and theater dance of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as it is presented today, while most often forgetting to consider its way of belonging, fully, to the vast and contrasted field of contemporary dance. It is this contemporary grounding that this book wants to bring to light. Based on the choreographic work of Marie-Geneviève Massé and her company l’Éventail, it studies the making of the work in baroque dance and the rhetoric that underlies it. Measuring the aesthetic stakes of this choreographic practice also means repositioning it within a larger whole invented by creators today, to whom the past addresses the haunting question of its enigma. In this way, this book opens up a reflection on the relationship between time and fiction in any form of artistic creation.

The author: Chantal Lapeyre is a professor of contemporary literature/literary and artistic creation at CY Cergy Paris University.

Centre national de la danse / Collection ” Recherches ” (Research)
Format: 16 x 24 cm
Number of pages: 224 pages
Iconographic notebook 16 color pages
EAN 13 : 9791097388126
Price : 26 €
On sale : October 2021

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