The Comédie-Française Registers Project

December 13, 2015

From 1680 until 1791, only one theater troupe in Paris was allowed to perform the plays of Molière, Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Beaumarchais, and every other French-language playwright. This troupe, the Comédie-Française, played the works of these authors over 34,000 times in this period. Remarkably, the troupe kept detailed records of their box office receipts for every single one of those performances. These daily receipt registers, still housed today in the troupe’s archives in the heart of Paris, are now available online via the Comédie-Française Registers Project.

An international conference will be held in Paris (FR), from 14 to 16 December 2015, focusing on the project and the ways it can influence theatrical practice.

Please visit the website of the project and the complete program of the conference on

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