Warsaw Call For Papers: Deadline extended 20th March
“Performing the Future. Institutions and Politics of Memory”
SIBMAS Conference @ Polish Theatre Institute: 7-10 June 2022.
33rd SIBMAS Conference.
A hybrid conference held online and in the Polish Theatre Institute, Warsaw, Poland.
A last moment opportunity had risen for us to extend our call for papers for this unique event. If you have submitted a paper previously and were rejected, please feel free to submit it again or a revised version of your proposal.
We are keen to reflect on the pandemic and analyse the impact it has had on our work to save and promote the Performing Arts.
If you have not submitted something, then please do think about either joining us virtually or in person in lovely Warsaw. It is time to meet again!
This conference will focus on the following issues:
• The impact of the pandemic on collections and the professions we serve – how will we progress? And how will we reflect?
• Facts, emotions, narratives – ideas and practices of a narrative museum.
• Museums, archives, and libraries as an interactive space – how to develop a relationship with visitors, practitioners of performing arts, and collectively contribute to an open society.
• Marketing and collection – developing exhibitions and an image for a library or collection
• Theatre heritage institutions and the politics of memory – what narratives do we need and for what purpose?
• Canonical and alternative approaches to the archives and library collections on performing arts.
• Body and archive – documenting of “unpreservable” by museums, archives, libraries or artists themselves.
• Performing the past/reviving the narrative – collaboration between archives, museums, libraries on the one hand and artists on the other.
• The impact of policies, politics, and conventions on theatre and performing arts practices as well as its preservation.
• Ecology in the library, archive and museum – practicing care for the Earth; how do perform jobs and help save the planet.
Please submit your abstract by 20th March to coordination.sibmas@instytut-teatralny.pl
Further details on cost and how to book to follow.