Exhibition: Museum of the Arts of Puppetry, A Reinvented Museum

Wayang Kulit, vers 1850, Java
The first three rooms of the new exhibition display are now open.
In France, the Musée des Arts de la Marionnette is the only museum solely dedicated to the living art of puppetry. It gathers an amazing collection of more than 2000 puppetries, costumes, sets, posters and others objects. Through more than fifty puppetries, the new display aims to enlighten the creative making and functioning of puppetries dating back from the traditional Guignol to contemporary puppeteers. Its inclusive scenography allows audiences of all ages to discover and experiment how an inanimate object turns into a living creation in the hands of the puppeteers.
In April 2019, six new rooms will be added to the current display.
Musée des Arts de la Marionnette, un musée réinventé
New permanent exhibition
(Lyon, FR)
Find out more (only in French)