Warsaw 2022

Performing the future

33rd Conference
7-10 June 2022
Warsaw Theatre Institute.

The conference will be held in The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, Warsaw.


Jazdów 1, 00-467 Warsaw

Information that may be useful for you:

Chopin Airport:



Public transport:
We recommend the website and the jakdojade.pl application, which will find for you the most convenient access in Warsaw.
If you come to the city at night please use night buses (N before the number) run from 23:15 to 4:30. The metro runs from 5:00 to 00:30.

Public transport tickets can be purchased at ticket machines or kiosks, they can be used in the subway, buses and trams. In Warsaw, there are 20-minute, 75-minute, daily and 3-day tickets.

Tickets: single ticket – 4,40 PLN, 20 min – 3,40 PLN.

Veturilo City Bike:
If you prefer to cycle around the city, visit the veturilo.pl website to register. You will find city bike stations all over the city. The first 20 minutes after renting a bike from the station is free.


Always pay attention to whether the car has a Warsaw siren sign along with yellow-red stripes on the door, as well as a price list attached to one of the windows. Transfer from Chopin Airport to the city center should cost 30-40 PLN. The maximum rates in Warsaw are 8 PLN initial fee; 3 PLN/km, on Sundays and holidays – 4.50 PLN/km.

Uber and Bolt services are the most popular.

Explore Warsaw



Theatre Institute, Warsaw