Warsaw 2022

Performing the future

33rd Conference
7-10 June 2022
Warsaw Theatre Institute.



Please fill out the online registration form here (even if you’ll access online)

Please note: you must be a member of SIBMAS to attend the conference in person.
Online access is available free of charge for members and non-members.

Registration for in-person access is closed on Friday 27 May.

In person registration: 200 €

(Conference package includes : coffee breaks, three lunches and one evening party, trips to see Polish theatres)

Day trip: 60 €

trip to Lublin:
to the National Museum, exhibition of Tamara Łempicka’s paintings
15th century byzantine frescoes in the castle chapel
circus performance
visit to Brama Grodzka

(you can pay all together – 260 €)

Participation Grants

The Theatre Institute in Warsaw is pleased to announce that we can offer travel/ participation grants to come to SIBMAS Conference 2022 in Warsaw, due to the kind support of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Please note, we can provide individual financial grants for conference participants with no other institutional support.
If you would like to receive more information, and to submit, please provide us with a short email explaining your reasons for applying for a grant; please contact the conference coordinator at coordination.sibmas@instytut-teatralny.pl
Submissions will be reviewed and considered; we will contact applicants shortly after regarding the possible travel / participation support.

Payment info for the bank transfer

Polish Theatre Institute / Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego
Jazdów 1, 00-467 Warszawa
NIP 525-27-07-950
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
PL85 1130 1017 0020 1459 0720 0006
Title: SIBMAS Conference Fee, “Name of the Participant”


Name of the Institution / Organization
TAX number
Email address

We will issue invoices after the funds have been credited to our account.
For further info/question, please contact coordination.sibmas@instytut-teatralny.pl